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How to find Reliable Pregnancy Information!

Lara Proud

Updated: Feb 1, 2024

Finding Reliable Information When You Are Pregnant Or Postpartum Can Be Very Difficult

You and I both know that doing a web search for reliable information is as frightening as it is helpful. When you are heading into that Mom group to ask your question, remember this video!

Take a watch and let me know in the comments where you think you’ll go to find your answer next time.

(Written Transcript Below)

Want some help navigating the top struggles for each trimester?

Video Transcript:

Hey there, a huge welcome to you!

My name is Lara Proud. I’m a registered nurse and I’m a perinatal educator for Canadian parents like you who want to feel empowered on their birth journey.

This week I thought I would try and switch things up just a little bit and create a vlog for you instead of a blog.

This week we’re going to talk a little bit about finding reliable information. One of the biggest frustrations from so many parents in my course is that you are bombarded every second of every day (especially when you get to be pregnant) with information, with unsolicited advice, with people coming to you, just because they see a baby bump, and asking you all kinds of questions that are completely inappropriate.

So one of the things that I wanted to talk about is finding sources of really good info.

Right off the bat, you need to be vetting your information. Where is it actually coming from? When you are looking at the source of something, especially if it is online, and you just put in a Google search, a couple of things to know is that it’s really important to look for where that information came from, who was funding it, which is a really big one, and then how the kind of source is put together.

So, was it a professional, was it done by an organization? How is it actually being presented?

A couple of things to look for, and I’ll use breastfeeding as an example for this one: If you were to do a Google search and type in breastfeeding, you’re going to have all kinds of different things come up. From forums to public information, to information on Wikipedia, to resources such as La Leche League or Breastfeeding International or you will have information and research studies that were done by formula companies.

These can be really, really hard to decipher who is what and what is going on. So doing a little bit of look into the background of what organization is putting out that information, who is actually writing it, and what kind of long-standing history do they have is a good start.

The other thing to know when you are navigating pregnancy and all of the ins and outs of postpartum as well, is knowing who you’re getting the information online. (If you were going to be getting information from someone in person this can be a really hard thing to navigate as well.) Because you will hear opinions varying across the spectrum from anybody and anything that you come across.

So, your mom, for example, could have a completely different opinion, a completely different way of doing things than what your doctor is saying. And your doctor could have a difference in opinion versus your dietitian versus the nurse. And even one nurse to the next might have different information as well.

How do you navigate this?

This can feel like an impossible task. So first off, make sure that your Spidey senses are on full blast. This is going to be one of the most invaluable things that you have working for you as a parent.

Knowing what it is that feels good or feels like the right thing is going to be really, really important. Because one of the things that I want you to take away from this is to trust your gut. Trust your gut in what you’re feeling.

Is my kid okay right now?

Do I have concerns about this?

Does this sound quite right?

Those questions, don’t lose those questions or feelings!

So the other thing to know when you are getting conflicting information from people, again look at the source. If you are getting nutrition information from a registered dietitian, well that’s a pretty solid source.

They have gone through and have specialized and have studied nutrition – this is their specialty area.

If you are you’re getting conflicting info from the different nurses that are in the hospital, ask them what kind of training they have. See what kind of courses that they’ve done. Of course, they have a lot of hands-on experience because that is part of their job. But are they a Certified Lactation Consultant or an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant? That is a level of training that is specialized in breastfeeding. So find someone with that designation, if you are having issues with breastfeeding.

If you’re wondering about rashes, or you’re wondering about, “what medications can I take when I’m really nauseous in pregnancy?”

Those are fantastic questions for your doctor or for your midwife.

These are very highly skilled and trained professionals in these areas.

Now, if you are wondering: “okay, I am emotionally feeling a little bit off. I’m not really sure what it is that I should do, what’s normal?” Maybe your friends haven’t had a whole bunch of babies yet, or you don’t feel like talking to them about it, there are options. Talk to a friend, to your mom, to your aunt, to somebody who has been there. And then, if you need more and you’re not feeling like you’re getting it from them, find a counselor who specializes in perinatal mental health.

There are so many people, so many professionals, who are in your corner and want to help. I’m here for you as well! I’m more than happy to direct you wherever it is that I feel you may need. If I can’t answer your question because it isn’t my specialty area then I will let you know!

So this is the type of thing that I really love you to think about, these critical thinking skills and having this background, this information that you want to be able to like piece together and pull out and really understand what it is that you’re looking at and who you’re getting that information from. This is only going to help you with this birth process.

So believe me when I say you will have so many fewer frustrations if you start to tweeze out the sources now.

Okay, I hope this was helpful. If you have any questions please drop them in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe to my Weekly Bumpdate so you get these every single week (either a video or a blog post).

See you, soon!



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