Baby Poop – Size, Colour, and Amount, We’re Covering It All!
Video Transcript Below:
Hello! My name is Lara Proud, and I’m the owner of Beyond the Bump Education.
I’m also a registered nurse, and this week, I wanted to discuss one of my top subjects- Baby Poop.
Every new parent wonders about their baby’s poop, but they may not want to ask about it. So, this week, we’re going to talk about the transition of your baby from birth into the first few days postpartum, what their poop will look like, and what it means.
For today’s lesson, I have a handy prop here to show you the size and color of what your baby’s poop should look like during those first few days.
See the one on the right? That’s what we call meconium. Meconium is the first type of poop that your baby will have, and it may even happen while the baby is still in utero- like with my son.
It is the breakdown of red blood cells and any extra waste that your placenta hasn’t carried away through the pregnancy.
One of the things you’ll notice while your breastfeeding colostrum in the first few days before your milk comes in is that your baby isn’t getting a ton. However, as long as your baby is peeing and pooping normally, has a good latch, and is feeding for a decent amount of time, then you’re making progress.
Here’s what happens:
Your baby will go from the dark, tarry, sticky meconium into the traditional stool, which is flakey and more greenish/brown. You can usually expect the transition on the second or third day.
If you’re breastfeeding, your baby’s stool should be a dark yellow that’s slowly turning pale yellow, and it should look like it has seeds in it. We call this a “seedy poop,” and it’s common in breastfed babies because it’s a byproduct of the milk, how it changes, and the high-fat content.
If you’re formula feeding, it may not be yellow or seedy. Instead, it may be closer to orange or tan. It’s normal because the formula gets digested differently, is more consistent, and can have undigested clumps at any given time.
I hope that explains the different transitions to you. This prop is a decent guide for color, but it’s also a guide for the size of the poop you want your baby to have.
You want three to four centimeters of poop for it to be considered a “good poop.” Sometimes, it may be a streak in the diaper with little else, but that’s ok as long as your baby has a couple of good-sized movements in the first few days.
One thing that pooping helps prevent is jaundice.
You may have noticed that some babies are born with a yellow tinge to their eyes and skin. That’s called jaundice, and the cause is bilirubin in the liver. The best way to get rid of that bilirubin is to poop it out.
Having frequent bowel movements, especially in those first few days, is good. Some babies will poop a bunch, especially after feeding, but every baby is different and will progress on their own time.
If you’re having one to two dirty diapers in those first two days, you’re doing just fine. After day three, however, you should be looking for at least three different stools.
Now, we’re hoping for an increase in diapers with every new day. Day four, we want four diapers. Days five-seven, you’ll want at least six wet diapers as your baby continues to grow.
One of the best signs that your baby is getting enough food, especially those who worry about their milk production, is to measure your baby’s output.
For a better visual, click the link and head over to Instagram. It will give you all the information about your baby’s first poops, what to expect, and when to worry.
Have a wonderful week, and I’ll see you next time!