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Lara Proud
3 min read
Your Hormones In Labour
This week we’re going to be talking all about your hormones and what you can do to impact them and make your labor smoother. You know, as...

Lara Proud
5 min read
How To Get Baby’s First Latch Just Right
Welcome back to this week’s Bumpdate. So this week, we are going to discuss how to get an optimal latch when baby is starting to learn...

Lara Proud
4 min read
Spinal Block vs. Epidural – What is the difference?
Spinal Block vs. Epidural – What is the difference? It’s easy to confuse a spinal block and epidural since the terms are so often used...

Lara Proud
3 min read
Postpartum Bleeding: What To Expect Postpartum
Imagine a full-size dinner plate. Now imagine a wound on your skin as big as that. You’d better believe you’d be taking it easy, resting,...

Lara Proud
3 min read
Labour Induction: What Does “Being Induced” Really Mean?
Labour Induction: What Does “Being Induced” Really Mean For Me? “They’re inducing me on Wednesday, so I should have my baby that...

Lara Proud
8 min read
What to Expect as an Expectant Partner
What to Expect as an Expectant Father, Partner, or Support Person This week I wanted to talk about the role of a partner or support...
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